SAP Splash
SAP is the first software vendor empowering business analysts, developers and IT team within organizations to think like designers and deliver user centered solutions.
SAP Splash helps bridge this huge unmet need in user experience for enterprise apps. Business experts can go through a guided design process that involves byte-sized learning pieces, with relatable examples and templates. Simple tools can be used to create interactive prototypes with realistic sample data. In turn, more accurate user feedback supports to jumpstart their development process. Business experts not only get to build UIs that are inline with today’s best practices, but also gracefully ease into the discipline of user centered-design. When this process is duplicated, thoughtful design begins to scale in organizations.
We designed a beautiful marketing homepage with parallax effect and small animations (image 1). From there the user can access a gallery of projects that she can clone from (image 2), the tools, the learning content that offers UX basics and the community.
The User Experience Basics section (image 3) offers method cards that walk the user through a typical product development lifecycle where the design and feature decisions are focused on the end user. It also offers a new and broad portfolio of UX design services that guide organizations and companies into a user centric design perspective.
As mentioned above users can create interactive prototypes. They can do that from scratch or clone from a gallery of projects (image 4). It has never been so easy gathering feedback from users by simply creating a study and importing the designs or prototype.
SAP Splash won the Honorable Mention UX Award in 2015 and is shortlisted for the IxDA Award. See more
Check out the video on the right for more information!
And I did... the user experience from information architecture and concept to interaction design and high fidelity mockups, and adjusting visual design. We solved for business analysts that need to translate business requirements into solutions that meet their business' and user's needs. We followed the Design Thinking principles from understanding the user and problem space to testing and validating our ideas and solutions.
I also helped creating the UX Basics content: the method cards, Design Thinking artifacts and guides.
It was very interesting and challenging putting what I practice into words and creating learning content. I'm a Design Thinking coach since about 5 years, and I live and breathe it. SAP Splash gave me the opportunity to learn how to construct and structure educational material.
Pushing the design to the next level in a highly political environment with a big team that is nationally distributed is not that easy. I used a lot of my leadership and communication skills to get the user experience users need.
Key takeaways
There is a lot of interest in scaling user experience in enterprise businesses. Providing content and tools that help people to create beautiful, useful and usable apps meet their needs.
Most off the shelf SAP applications need customization, and SAP Splash allows users to do quick modifications.
Cohesion over consistency: we decided to have two different types of input fields. One type has the label inside the input field and the other type shows the label outside of the field. Depending on the context, the layout and other UI elements on the screen, we decided if the input field needs to be anchored with a label outside or not.
SAP Splash home screen (top part of marketing content)
SAP Splash gallery - projects to clone
User Experience Basics - byte-sized learning content
Personal workspace - users can create and clone projects
SAP Splash video - User Experience as as service