HIVE was SAP's first ever UX event created for all SAP employees. We had over 200 attendees, designers and non-designers. With 22 total speaking sessions and 9 demo pods, it was a day buzzing with ideas building on ideas – a little like you find in a one of nature’s amazing hives.
HIVE started with Sam Yen's (SAP's Chief Design Officer) keynote, which was followed by two talk tracks with ten speakers covering various SAP-related topics around what’s next in UX design and how SAP can continue to be an industry leader.
It was a packed house for afternoon keynotes headlined by Don Norman (Director, Design Lab, UC San Diego: Think Observe Make, Professor Emeritus Cognitive Science & Psychology, UCSD) & Justin Ferrell (Fellowships Director at the Institute of Design at Stanford University, aka "the"), followed by two talk tracks with eight external speakers covering a wide range of interesting topics from what the fellowship program is all about to highly productive pair design; empathy in design; transforming corporate culture with design thinking; and designing for different cultures.
We envision HIVE growing into a forum where people can connect and be part of a community that thrives, creating better design by working together.
And I did...
...within only 3 weeks organize the event, including coming up with a name and a theme; secure a venue, define the content, rally speakers, mc the event and much more... Our amazing visual design team took care of the branding, decor and overall user experience.
SAP loved the success and asked me to help them with their biggest developer conference DKOM 2016.
Here's some feedback we got:
HIVE was huge success! Here's what people said...
"...great job with the HIVE event! That was very interesting and insightful - I would love for us to incorporate the philosophy in our initiatives!" - University Recruiter, SAP
"THANK YOU for bringing the event to our campus and inspiring both our employees and community." - Events Marketing, SAP
"Good to see we're breaking our "frankensoft" stigma and innovating customer-centric design. Are you guys hiring? :)" - Attendee

HIVE setup stage 1 - HIVE banners

HIVE setup stage 2

Don Norman's keynote

Open space inviting people to communicate and collaborate